
In the spotlight: March

The Hunger Games: Mockingjay - part 2
I love all the Hunger Games movies with a passion, because 1. I'm a big sister to four younger siblings. I'm very close with all of them (my mom was a stay-at-home mom, so neither of us went to kindergarten) and I'm 11 years older than Julia (my youngest sister), which means I've wiped her butt/dressed her etc. countless times when she was little. It's sort of in the job description, as the oldest, to take care of the younger ones.. What I'm trying to say is that I would sacrifice myself in a heartbeat for any of them - like Katniss. 2. I'm very scared of dying and these movies toy with the idea that we're all going to die one day, regardless of whether we're ready or not. The fact that not even kids are excluded really drives that home for me and 3. I love the romance, the cast and the acting!

Ambition for: April

Since I've had no motivation to watch any movies whatsoever lately, I'm pretty sure this will be another month of failing miserably..

* New Girl - I'm stuck on season 1 and haven't made any progress in a while. Time to rectify that?
* Despicable me 1 and/or 2
* Daybreakers? Still haven't watched this, but found it on Netflix today.
* Dredd - I watched about half of this in the cinema once and I'd like to finish it.
* Arrow - Still stuck on season three, episode 18 (or something). Oliver's just so annoyingly bossy.. 
* Grand Budapest Hotel - Feels like a spring movie to me.  
* World War Z? Watched this around this time last year, which is why I might want to rewatch it in April.


Tired of the slump

I have absolutely no desire to watch movies, at the moment. I don't know why that is, but I know that I've slowly cut down on them during February and March. Sure, I've started several, but haven't wanted to finish any of them (although I got close with Hotel Transylvania 2). Also, I was repeat-watching Flipped/Keith for a while but since I saw Mockingjay - part 2, that's all I've wanted to watch instead. I love the Hunger Games movies with a passion. So much so that I've even contemplated getting a Hunger Games-related tattoo. I feel no shame whatsoever; I love Katniss!

So yes, I'm watching Youtube and How I Met Your Mother on Netflix but few/no movies. That's why I'm ending this post with my recent favorite quotes, to cheer myself up:


The story of: Ugh

For some reason, I thought it was a good idea to watch Cape Fear last night. Like a reward for studying as much as I have, or something.. (Damn you, cost-benefit analysis! When I'm done with you, I'll burn thine information in a righteous hate fire) 
To rectify the queasiness Max Cady made us feel, we decided to watch The Talented Mr. Ripley right after. You know - go into it blindly, take our mind off things.. 
Julia left when someone beat the other someone to death.
I got nightmares.

 The end. 


Giddy as a 13-year-old (aka: Leonardo DiCaprio won)!

There's something special about those movie stars that you grow up with. One of the most impactful ones, for me, was Leonardo DiCaprio. As the oldest of five siblings, I never had any real say regarding what we watched at home. It was all Disney or Swedish movies based on Astrid Lindgren's books or Björnes magasin. Consequently I hadn't watched anything remotely "grown-up" until my 11th or 12th birthday, when my aunt gave me a VHS copy of Dirty Dancing. In other words: It's not hard to imagine why, when I went to watch Titanic in 1997, I was literally swept of my feet. I was 13 and it was the first movie that made any real impact on me as a person; it made me think more deeply about life and death and the meaning of everything.

Soon after Titanic, my dad showed me What's Eating Gilbert Grape? whereupon I borrowed the book to read and then made it a tradition to watch+read it every summer, along with Marvin's Room. On my friend's 16th birthday, we watched Romeo+Juliet and then, even though I didn't like The Beach that much, I chose to do a project on the book in school the following year anyway. The Basketball Diaries was my first glimpse into certain parts of life that I'd been very sheltered from thus far, which left me with my mouth open for the majority of it.

The point I'm trying to make here is that not only did I grow up with Leonardo DiCaprio's movies but they also helped shape me as a person - and as a movie lover, during my most impressionable years. This process was aided by the fact that he was playing characters just a few years older than I was, which made him feel very relatable to me. Seeing him gain fame therefore, was like seeing a friend succeed (am I sounding stalkery right now?) and that's why; when I learned that he won the Oscar for The Revenant, I got all 13-year-old-giddy again. YAAY, Leonardo!

Ps. This is so un-Swedish of me, I almost feel ashamed..


In the spotlight: February

Extremely comforting to watch and a great book-to-movie adaptation. It's very much like that light-in-a-bottle-thing that Frodo gets from Galadriel: "A light [...] in dark places, when all other lights go out.".

Much, much more moving than I'd ever imagined! I cried during nearly every episode; regardless of the season. And I laughed too (am quite easily disturbed by other humor than physical i.e I usually take jokes more seriously than necessary), which surprised me.  

Mystery-wise I liked Shutter Island more, but the action was great in this one! For some reason though, Leonardo DiCaprio reminded me of Jack Dawson the entire time.. (also: Eames! <3)

I sort of wish that I'd discovered this movie when I was like 13-14. I would have swooned and watched it on repeat for days! It would have affected me the same way Titanic did back in the days, I'm sure.. (i.e a lot! (the fact that I'll never be that young and impressionable again makes me feel old.. *sadfacé*))