
In the spotlight: April

I watched about 50% of the movies I had planned to in April. For that, I blame Kevin Spacey!
Here are my favorites this month, in no particular order:

* The Usual Suspects
Love, love, love. Love, love, love. LOVE, LOVE, LOVE! (it's eeeeeeeaaaaasy)

* Shutter Island
Don't watch this, unless you're prepared to have someone physically restrain you (so you won't fast forward to see how it ends)..

* The DUFF
If I had a spirit animal - it would be Bianca. Seriously, I'm just one "lucky party shirt" away from being her.

* Pay It Forward
I love it for the acting. 

* World War Z
This is the perfect zombie movie for me; not too scary, not a lot of jump scares and the search for a solution. It soothes my nervous heart! 

And my non-movie favorite:

* My sister is due on May 5th. So anything involving that! I couldn't be more excited!! (I feel like adding an additional 1000 exclamation marks at the end of that sentence, but I don't want to seem crazier than I already do..) <3

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