Body of Proof
Halfway through season 2 at the moment. I love it because it's almost impossible to guess which of the presented characters are the culprit! Plus, even though the expert is very good at being an expert.. she's never alone in solving the crimes (unlike the experts in Unforgettable or The Mentalist for example)!
The Terminator
Both 1 and 2 are so very well paced. And they have great entertainment value! I felt such joy when I watched them.
The Big Bang Theory
I normally always watch this before bed (and have it on in the background while I sleep) but recently I've slept without it and properly watched full episodes instead. That's reminded me of the fact that it's probably my favorite show ever.
I just want to step into the movie and pet Bambi. Not creepily or anything, just casually stroll by and then attack him: *pet* *pet* *petpetpetpetpetpetpetpetpetpet*!
I was also able to check these off from my challenging 2015 list this month:
A movie you've started but never finished: Django Unchained
A movie at the bottom of your "to be watched"-list: Taken
A movie with nonhuman characters: The Wolverine
A trilogy: The Terminator Saga (1-4)
A funny movie: Spy
10 things I love about Leonard Hofstadter
1. That he's willing to watch sports with Penny and paint "Go sports!" on his stomach (season 6, e 01)
2. His willingness to drive Sheldon wherever he needs to go
3. The enormous amount of patience and understanding he has for Sheldon
4. That he won't have sex with a wealthy woman to secure a donation (season 4, e 15)
5. Those times when he helps Sheldon out by calling Sheldon's mother
6. That he's very open and honest about his feelings for Penny - he's not afraid to say that he loves her + propose to her a lot
7. His openness about his interests + his devotion to them
8. His behavior towards Amy during and after the wedding they attend (season 5, e 03)
9. That he'll spend the night in front of their building in a hard hat, just to please Sheldon (season 5, e 15)
10. The fact that he bought Penny a car to support her acting career (season 7, e 17)
2. His willingness to drive Sheldon wherever he needs to go
3. The enormous amount of patience and understanding he has for Sheldon
4. That he won't have sex with a wealthy woman to secure a donation (season 4, e 15)
5. Those times when he helps Sheldon out by calling Sheldon's mother
6. That he's very open and honest about his feelings for Penny - he's not afraid to say that he loves her + propose to her a lot
7. His openness about his interests + his devotion to them
8. His behavior towards Amy during and after the wedding they attend (season 5, e 03)
9. That he'll spend the night in front of their building in a hard hat, just to please Sheldon (season 5, e 15)
10. The fact that he bought Penny a car to support her acting career (season 7, e 17)
Elin and The Yeti watch the classics.. sort of: #4
Movies: Terminator and Terminator 2: Judgment Day
Status: Neither of us have seen the first one. Elin's watched the second one once (in like 1998).
Favorite scenes: Any scene with Arnold, really.
Times we pause them: Maybe 5 in total - mostly to discuss the time travel aspect..
These movies have great entertainment value and are both very well paced! But they are also very confusing - at least to us. After a few discussion breaks about the weirdness of it all, we decide to just roll with whatever it is that we don't understand. And so when the T-1000 (in the second film) turns into some sort of gecko-floor-robot, we just go with it. When he turns into a big metal blob? Again - we go with it (and then jokingly refer to him as "the blob" for the rest of the movie).
I really liked the first film, mostly for the insta-love (you know - when someone loves "a lifetime's worth" in just a few hours? I'm a sucker for that) and Julia was definitely a bigger fan of the second one. I have to agree with her overall though because I think Arnold makes for a much better hero than villain and Edward Furlong is fantastic.
Status: Neither of us have seen the first one. Elin's watched the second one once (in like 1998).
Favorite scenes: Any scene with Arnold, really.
Times we pause them: Maybe 5 in total - mostly to discuss the time travel aspect..
These movies have great entertainment value and are both very well paced! But they are also very confusing - at least to us. After a few discussion breaks about the weirdness of it all, we decide to just roll with whatever it is that we don't understand. And so when the T-1000 (in the second film) turns into some sort of gecko-floor-robot, we just go with it. When he turns into a big metal blob? Again - we go with it (and then jokingly refer to him as "the blob" for the rest of the movie).
I really liked the first film, mostly for the insta-love (you know - when someone loves "a lifetime's worth" in just a few hours? I'm a sucker for that) and Julia was definitely a bigger fan of the second one. I have to agree with her overall though because I think Arnold makes for a much better hero than villain and Edward Furlong is fantastic.
Here's proof of: 1) Julia's allusiveness (she's hereby renamed "The Yeti") 2) Our first real heat wave this summer (Yaay! Shorts!) and 3) The fact that we've been really responsible and watched the movies at night when you can't be outside anyways (because of about one million mosquitoes).
Updated movie collection
After I wrote the previous post regarding my goals, I decided to go through my collection again. I ended up cutting it down from 43 to 22 movies, just like that (it wasn't even hard). This is my updated movie collection:

Singin' in the Rain, Lemony Snicket's A Series of Unfortunate Events, The Other Sister, Sherlock Holmes, Lord of the Rings, Wild Child, Sherlock Holmes: A Game of Shadows, Forrest Gump.
What's Eating Gilbert Grape?, The Hunger Games, The Host, National Treasure, Blood diamond, The Hunger Games: Catching Fire, Die Hard 4.0, Mortal Instruments: City of Bones.
Bambi, Avatar, Wild Hearts Can't Be Broken, Chocolat, Titanic, Romeo + Juliet.

Singin' in the Rain, Lemony Snicket's A Series of Unfortunate Events, The Other Sister, Sherlock Holmes, Lord of the Rings, Wild Child, Sherlock Holmes: A Game of Shadows, Forrest Gump.
What's Eating Gilbert Grape?, The Hunger Games, The Host, National Treasure, Blood diamond, The Hunger Games: Catching Fire, Die Hard 4.0, Mortal Instruments: City of Bones.
Bambi, Avatar, Wild Hearts Can't Be Broken, Chocolat, Titanic, Romeo + Juliet.
Now that we're about halfway through the year, I felt it was time to revisit my goals for 2015:
* I wanted to watch "less but better" movies:
Since January 1th I've watched about 90 movies + five seasons of different TV shows (not that good - I wish I'd watched fewer and relaxed more). My sister Julia and I have started a movie club too (the chocolate bunny movie club), which has been great. It's meant more time with her + really fun movie nights (we've laughed a loooot!). I've also kept my focus and watched whatever I've felt like - continuously trying to let go of my urge to "remember everything I watch and watch every movie I hear anything about".
* I wanted to buy less and clean out my movie collection:
I cleaned it out several times and went from 111 to 43 movies. Since then I've bought one movie - You've got mail. This is an all-time record for me and I've realized that I don't need to hang on to nearly as many movies as I'd previously thought! My love for a movie doesn't make it an "auto buy" because I should really just keep movies that I want to watch over and over. Using sites like Viaplay has really helped me to realize that I can watch a movie and then let it go.
* I wanted to just watch movies at night/try to watch just one per day or for a certain amount of time:
I've made no conscious effort in this area, but I guess I've been better about this during certain months. Not enough to check it off the list though.
* I wanted to find other ways to relax (read more, etc):
Nope. I still sleep with The Big Bang Theory on in the background. I still watch something before I fall asleep. I always watch Youtube when I brush my teeth etc etc. This is proving to be the hardest goal on my list, by far!
Aaand.. a new addition:
* 2015 - a challenging list: I made this this month, just to have something fun to challenge myself with, when I don't know what to watch next. I'll keep working on it during the year and if I don't finish it in 2015, it's no big deal. The last thing I want to do is put pressure on myself (movies are one of my hobbies, not my job).
* I wanted to watch "less but better" movies:
Since January 1th I've watched about 90 movies + five seasons of different TV shows (not that good - I wish I'd watched fewer and relaxed more). My sister Julia and I have started a movie club too (the chocolate bunny movie club), which has been great. It's meant more time with her + really fun movie nights (we've laughed a loooot!). I've also kept my focus and watched whatever I've felt like - continuously trying to let go of my urge to "remember everything I watch and watch every movie I hear anything about".
* I wanted to buy less and clean out my movie collection:
I cleaned it out several times and went from 111 to 43 movies. Since then I've bought one movie - You've got mail. This is an all-time record for me and I've realized that I don't need to hang on to nearly as many movies as I'd previously thought! My love for a movie doesn't make it an "auto buy" because I should really just keep movies that I want to watch over and over. Using sites like Viaplay has really helped me to realize that I can watch a movie and then let it go.
* I wanted to just watch movies at night/try to watch just one per day or for a certain amount of time:
I've made no conscious effort in this area, but I guess I've been better about this during certain months. Not enough to check it off the list though.
* I wanted to find other ways to relax (read more, etc):
Nope. I still sleep with The Big Bang Theory on in the background. I still watch something before I fall asleep. I always watch Youtube when I brush my teeth etc etc. This is proving to be the hardest goal on my list, by far!
Aaand.. a new addition:
* 2015 - a challenging list: I made this this month, just to have something fun to challenge myself with, when I don't know what to watch next. I'll keep working on it during the year and if I don't finish it in 2015, it's no big deal. The last thing I want to do is put pressure on myself (movies are one of my hobbies, not my job).
Let's pretend like my fingers are a failed attempt at a peace sign (to celebrate my progress) and not proof of my inability to take a photo without covering up some part of the lens..
First world problems (Currently watching)
I'm in this weird mood where I don't really want to watch movies (I'm shocking myself here), but read outdoors instead. That's why I've started multiple things, without really committing to any of them:
* Monsters University
* Max Payne
* Body of Proof, season 2
* Mortal Instruments: City of Bones (if you sort of jump through it - does it count as a re-watch?)
* Terminator 2: Judgment Day
* Am also very excited for The Martian to come out! Can't wait to watch it with my father! He's a sucker for all things space-related and since he's always a little distracted when I tell him stuff, I'm almost 100% sure that he's gonna be really excited to tell me about "this new movie where a man gets left behind on Mars" in the fall - even though I already told him about it yesterday! It's in one ear and out the other, when it comes to him.. (it doesn't really help that his hearing never was any good to begin with) <3
* Monsters University
* Max Payne
* Body of Proof, season 2
* Mortal Instruments: City of Bones (if you sort of jump through it - does it count as a re-watch?)
* Terminator 2: Judgment Day
* Am also very excited for The Martian to come out! Can't wait to watch it with my father! He's a sucker for all things space-related and since he's always a little distracted when I tell him stuff, I'm almost 100% sure that he's gonna be really excited to tell me about "this new movie where a man gets left behind on Mars" in the fall - even though I already told him about it yesterday! It's in one ear and out the other, when it comes to him.. (it doesn't really help that his hearing never was any good to begin with) <3
It must be the coldest summer I've ever experienced and I still want nothing more than to be outside (sure, I live in the north of Sweden, but June doesn't usually involve nights with a temperature around +3 C)!
Nostalgia: Summertime
In the summer of 1996 I spent many evenings over at my friend Sofia's house, where we watched lots of movies on her living room floor/read lots of David Eddings's books on her roof. To this day, late summer evenings still makes me think of The Bridges of Madison County and The Langoliers.
My best friend Marléne and I grew up together on the same street and spent most of our summers outside (almost never watching any movies). That's why I remember the summer we watched Terminator 2: Judgement Day so well - mainly because I spent the rest of it randomly asking my mother what our hamster's name was (we had a bunny) to make sure she wasn't a robot. Around that time I also watched Twister and Broken Arrow a lot.
In 1997, when I turned 13, my aunt gave me a VHS copy of Dirty Dancing and since I grew up with four younger siblings it was a big deal for me. My birthday became the one day of the year when I got to watch something "grown-up" at home. In the summers that followed, I discovered both What's Eating Gilbert Grape? and Forrest Gump and I started watching those on my birthdays instead. I don't know why I remember this one birthday so vividly, but it was getting dark earlier and had started to smell a little like autumn. We had picked some blueberries in the morning and while my mother made my cake I watched Stealing Beauty on the TV. I haven't watched it since, but somehow the memory of that particular birthday has stuck with me.
Today, I try to watch less movies in the summertime and spend more time outside. Mainly doing stuff like this:
My best friend Marléne and I grew up together on the same street and spent most of our summers outside (almost never watching any movies). That's why I remember the summer we watched Terminator 2: Judgement Day so well - mainly because I spent the rest of it randomly asking my mother what our hamster's name was (we had a bunny) to make sure she wasn't a robot. Around that time I also watched Twister and Broken Arrow a lot.
In 1997, when I turned 13, my aunt gave me a VHS copy of Dirty Dancing and since I grew up with four younger siblings it was a big deal for me. My birthday became the one day of the year when I got to watch something "grown-up" at home. In the summers that followed, I discovered both What's Eating Gilbert Grape? and Forrest Gump and I started watching those on my birthdays instead. I don't know why I remember this one birthday so vividly, but it was getting dark earlier and had started to smell a little like autumn. We had picked some blueberries in the morning and while my mother made my cake I watched Stealing Beauty on the TV. I haven't watched it since, but somehow the memory of that particular birthday has stuck with me.
Today, I try to watch less movies in the summertime and spend more time outside. Mainly doing stuff like this:
My brother and me and our bunny in the summer of 2008. She was the bossy one that bit us wherever she could (once through the cartilage on my ear).
Life hack #2
What do you do when nothing cheers you up, because your pollen medicine makes you want to sleep 24/7? You eat ice cream for breakfast, take a super hot shower, snuggle with some form of animal and teach yourself a new quote from the movie you.. already know many quotes from:
You know - there's a big world out there. Filled with desperate orphans who would gladly swim across an ocean of thumbtacks just to be eclipsed by the long shadow that is cast by my accomplishments. But I don't care about them! I chose to open my heart to you two lovely children and your hideous primate. All I ask in return is that you do each and every thing that pops into my head while I enjoy the enourmous fortune your parents left behind.
And then you give in and sleep for 10 hours. You're welcome.
You know - there's a big world out there. Filled with desperate orphans who would gladly swim across an ocean of thumbtacks just to be eclipsed by the long shadow that is cast by my accomplishments. But I don't care about them! I chose to open my heart to you two lovely children and your hideous primate. All I ask in return is that you do each and every thing that pops into my head while I enjoy the enourmous fortune your parents left behind.
And then you give in and sleep for 10 hours. You're welcome.
A review: Astérix: Le domaine des dieux
The year? 50 BC. The region? Gaul. Surrounded by four
Roman military camps lies a tiny nameless village untouched by the
expanding Roman empire. Their secret? An endless supply of the
magical potion that makes them seemingly invincible. Thanks to the
druid Miraculix they can go about their business as usual; hunting
wild boars and “discussing” the freshness of the fish (i.e. just
fighting in general). However, César has grown tired of their
constant defiance. In hiring a young architect to surround the
village with Roman buildings, he's abandoned force for
indoctrination. So sure that this will make the Gauls surrender to
him once and for all, he's forgotten to take Astérix and Obelix into
I grew up with the adventures of Astérix and Obelix and I feel that this movie really succeeds in recreating the charm I remember. Being young when I read the comic books, I was more in love with the characters than anything else (honestly – most of the content went right over my head) and to my delight the animators have kept the varying body shapes that I remember loving so much. This means that all the nationalities presented come in various sizes. Most of the focus of the animation itself has gone into character details such as Obelix's velvet bows or Astérix's slimy cheek (because he's been struck by a fish) and since this movie is so heavily centered around the people, I don't miss any elaborate backgrounds. Some of the more action-packed scenes even feel like copies straight from the comic books and, being a big fan of that type of physical comedy, I giggle my way through most of it.

I grew up with the adventures of Astérix and Obelix and I feel that this movie really succeeds in recreating the charm I remember. Being young when I read the comic books, I was more in love with the characters than anything else (honestly – most of the content went right over my head) and to my delight the animators have kept the varying body shapes that I remember loving so much. This means that all the nationalities presented come in various sizes. Most of the focus of the animation itself has gone into character details such as Obelix's velvet bows or Astérix's slimy cheek (because he's been struck by a fish) and since this movie is so heavily centered around the people, I don't miss any elaborate backgrounds. Some of the more action-packed scenes even feel like copies straight from the comic books and, being a big fan of that type of physical comedy, I giggle my way through most of it.
I fully understand why today's animation is made for
both adults and children and I appreciate the step in that direction,
but I find myself repeatedly wishing for a movie made only for grown
ups. For the ones of us who like animation but dislike anime. Such a
movie would mean I could avoid the suffering I go through when Le domaine des dieux suddenly transforms Obelix into King Kong. I'm sure
the kids love it and it does turn the action up several notches, but
to me - who's always admired Obelix more than Astérix, it feels like
a blasphemy. The smart, thin Astérix is already portrayed as the
leader of the dumb, fat Obelix. To turn him into a food-obsessed
monster as well only further increases the detrimental message that fat people are meant to follow and lack all forms of self-control.

© 2014 les Éditions Albert René / Goscinny Uderzo © 2014, M6 Studio, Belvision, M6 Films et SNC.
All Rights Reserved.
All Rights Reserved.
Used with permission.
2015 - a challenging list
Rules: 1. Complete this challenge before the end of 2015. 2. A movie/show can only be used once - no repeats.
A movie released in 2015
A movie directed by someone under 30
A movie with nonhuman characters
A funny movie
A movie that you sister Sara recommended
An Oscar-winning movie
A movie at the bottom of your "to be watched" list
A trilogy
A movie with magic
An animated movie
A movie set in high school
A season of a TV-show that's based on a book or a movie
A movie you've started but never finished
A movie that scares you
A movie set in the future
A movie that made you cry hard
A movie with a number in the title
A book-to-movie adaptation
A movie set in a foreign country
A movie with a one-word title
A movie longer than 3 hours
A mystery or a thriller
A popular director's first movie
Four movies in a day
A movie from you childhood
A movie that takes place in your region
A classic you've never watched
A movie by a female director
A short film
A documentary
Finishing a season of a TV-show that you've started but never finished
A movie based on a true story
A movie someone in your family loves
A movie that's more than 70 years old
A movie based entirely on its cover
A movie you watched in school
A movie based on a memoir
A movie with antonyms in the title
A movie set somewhere you've always wanted to visit
A movie that came out the year you were born (1984)
A movie with bad reviews
A movie with a love triangle
A movie with a color in the title
A movie that is directed by + stars that actor/actress
A movie you own but have never watched
A movie in a foreign language (other than English)
A movie set during Christmas
A movie with your initials (EL)
A movie based on a play
A banned movie
(An alteration of this Reading Challange from Popsugar..)
A movie released in 2015
A movie directed by someone under 30
A movie with nonhuman characters
A funny movie
A movie that you sister Sara recommended
An Oscar-winning movie
A movie at the bottom of your "to be watched" list
A trilogy
A movie with magic
An animated movie
A movie set in high school
A season of a TV-show that's based on a book or a movie
A movie you've started but never finished
A movie that scares you
A movie set in the future
A movie that made you cry hard
A movie with a number in the title
A book-to-movie adaptation
A movie set in a foreign country
A movie with a one-word title
A movie longer than 3 hours
A mystery or a thriller
A popular director's first movie
Four movies in a day
A movie from you childhood
A movie that takes place in your region
A classic you've never watched
A movie by a female director
A short film
A documentary
Finishing a season of a TV-show that you've started but never finished
A movie based on a true story
A movie someone in your family loves
A movie that's more than 70 years old
A movie based entirely on its cover
A movie you watched in school
A movie based on a memoir
A movie with antonyms in the title
A movie set somewhere you've always wanted to visit
A movie that came out the year you were born (1984)
A movie with bad reviews
A movie with a love triangle
A movie with a color in the title
A movie that is directed by + stars that actor/actress
A movie you own but have never watched
A movie in a foreign language (other than English)
A movie set during Christmas
A movie with your initials (EL)
A movie based on a play
A banned movie
(An alteration of this Reading Challange from Popsugar..)
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