
2015 - a challenging list

Rules: 1. Complete this challenge before the end of 2015. 2. A movie/show can only be used once - no repeats.

A movie released in 2015
A movie directed by someone under 30
A movie with nonhuman characters
A funny movie
A movie that you sister Sara recommended
An Oscar-winning movie
A movie at the bottom of your "to be watched" list
A trilogy 
A movie with magic
An animated movie
A movie set in high school
A season of a TV-show that's based on a book or a movie
A movie you've started but never finished
A movie that scares you
A movie set in the future
A movie that made you cry hard
A movie with a number in the title
A book-to-movie adaptation
A movie set in a foreign country
A movie with a one-word title
A movie longer than 3 hours
A mystery or a thriller
A popular director's first movie
Four movies in a day
A movie from you childhood
A movie that takes place in your region
A classic you've never watched
A movie by a female director
A short film
A documentary
Finishing a season of a TV-show that you've started but never finished
A movie based on a true story
A movie someone in your family loves
A movie that's more than 70 years old
A movie based entirely on its cover
A movie you watched in school
A movie based on a memoir
A movie with antonyms in the title
A movie set somewhere you've always wanted to visit
A movie that came out the year you were born (1984)
A movie with bad reviews
A movie with a love triangle
A movie with a color in the title
A movie that is directed by + stars that actor/actress
A movie you own but have never watched
A movie in a foreign language (other than English) 
A movie set during Christmas
A movie with your initials (EL)
A movie based on a play
A banned movie

(An alteration of this Reading Challange from Popsugar..)

2 kommentarer:

  1. Let me recommend a movie by a female director. :)
    If you like vampires and feel fed-up by the romanticised and "beautified" vampires of todays cinema then you should watch "Near Dark" from 1987. It was directed by Kathryn Bigelow and stars such great actors as Bill Paxton and Lance Henriksen.
    To bad that it was overshadowed by the "The lost boys" which was released the same year.
    "Near Dark" portrays Vampires as they should be portrayed. Not as lovable beautiful teens but as the evil beings of the dark that they once were. Fantastic movie about being unwillingly turned into a creature of the night. A look at how Vampires could fit into a modern world and how difficult the transition would be for anyone bitten.
    Have fun!

    1. I just looked at the trailer and I'm definitely going to watch this! :D Thanks for the tip!
