
To stop or not to stop watching..

My sister Julia is one of those people that likes to watch precisely EVERY episode of a show. In order. Without missing a single word of it. I used to think that was crazy! I'm not overly fond of TV-shows myself, because I prefer the format of a movie. When it ends, it ends. Sure, they can make sequels, but the original movie will still be neatly wrapped up; comfortably concluded (and I don't have to watch the sequel). Julia never usually watches a movie more than once or twice; that's always seemed like madness to me.

That's also why I've been no stranger to stopping when I've thought a show has been going downhill - even if it has been in the middle of a season. I can count the shows I've actually watched all the way through on one hand. I'm so glad I haven't done that with Friends. It might have taken me a few years, but I'm nearing the end of season three and it's getting really good. I guess there's actually something to be said for not just watching the same movies over and over and over again (until you know the entire dialog by heart). To actually commit to following a story to the end, no matter how uncomfortable it might make you..

Julia, I hail you as my morning star, because you are the way you are..

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