
Elin and Julia watch the classics.. sort of: #6

Movie: Fried Green Tomatoes
Status: Elin's seen it maybe once, in her early teens. Julia's never seen it.
Favorite scene: Anything involving Evelyn..    
Times we pause it: None.

It's a dark and quite chilly evening in my parents' living room. My sister and I discuss which movie to watch. Our mother joins the conversation and opts for something fluffy, romantic and fast-paced. Naturally, that makes us decide on Fried Green Tomatoes instead (i.e the opposite of what she wants). Our father joins us then. He's building a fire and doesn't really plan on staying long, but is hooked and watches the entire movie with us. Fifteen minutes in, my mother is asleep on my lap.

When it's over and we talk about it, I cry a little at the thought of people solely living on in our memories. That my future children won't know what my grandfather sounded like etc. My mother wakes up then, recites something about death and starts crying too. Julia's just sitting there, watching us in disbelief and laughing! Best movie night in quite some time..

Our hooked Papa and the fire he made

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