
Tired of the slump

I have absolutely no desire to watch movies, at the moment. I don't know why that is, but I know that I've slowly cut down on them during February and March. Sure, I've started several, but haven't wanted to finish any of them (although I got close with Hotel Transylvania 2). Also, I was repeat-watching Flipped/Keith for a while but since I saw Mockingjay - part 2, that's all I've wanted to watch instead. I love the Hunger Games movies with a passion. So much so that I've even contemplated getting a Hunger Games-related tattoo. I feel no shame whatsoever; I love Katniss!

So yes, I'm watching Youtube and How I Met Your Mother on Netflix but few/no movies. That's why I'm ending this post with my recent favorite quotes, to cheer myself up:

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