
A big fat check mark

One of the things I wanted to work on this year was downsizing my movie collection.
I'm usually really fond of - and good at, minimizing the stuff I own. My family knows this and jokes about me one day just owning the clothes on my back.. nothing more!

But movies? Oh boy, they've been my weak spot for as long as I can remember. I've felt like I've had to own/remember ALL the movies I've ever watched. Which in turn has made me really focused on watching EVERYTHING! All the new releases and all the movies I've ever read about. Like I'm one of those basking sharks that feed by sucking in lots and lots of water through its gigant mouth.. 

Today I'm down from 111 to 45 movies. I'd say that deserves a big fat check mark on the list!

The process involved equal parts pile-making, stomach ache and euforia

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